Sy, E. » Class Rules

Class Rules


  1. Students are not allowed to stand up without permission from the teacher
  2. No one is allowed to leave the room during class period. Going to bathroom, or in any offices of the school should be done during the break or after school.
  3. Everybody should be seated in his or her assigned seat (seats will be changed weekly).
  4. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the classroom especially chewing gums.
  5. Respect everyone in the room.
  6. Electronic devices are NOT allowed inside the classroom. These items will be taken away if they are visible during class time.
  7. Bring your materials everyday (pencil, highlighter, book, paper and notebook).



  1. Be on time
  2. Come prepared
  3. Respect all people
  4. Respect our room
  5. Your best effort


First time student breaks a rule …………Warning

Second time …………………. Trash Pickup/Detention

Third time …………………… Teacher calls parents

Fourth time/Sever cases ……… Send to the Dean


Safety is of paramount importance in any laboratory. The laboratory safety rules here should be considered as a starting point for safe laboratory practice. Additional Safety Notes are included in each of the experiments in this manual. In addition, your teacher will give specific guidelines on the safe conduct of each experiment at the beginning of the laboratory period. Non-attendance during this safety briefing can result in students being barred from participation in the laboratory experiment.


The following comments on the general rules as listed may help to clarify any questions which arise. Please inquire of your teacher if there are further questions.


  1. Working without supervision is forbidden. A student should never stay in the laboratory alone or work without a teacher present.
  2. Performing unauthorized experiments or any experiment at unauthorized times is forbidden. Unanticipated results to an unauthorized or altered experiment can be quite hazardous. Materials should never be taken from the laboratory. Horseplay and pranks are never acceptable in the laboratory.
  3. Approved safety eye wear must be worn at all times.  Consult your teacher about the policy for wearing contact lenses in your laboratory. Certain solvents in use during some experiments can have adverse effects on soft contacts and students should take appropriate precautions following those labs.
  4. Loose hair and clothing must be restrained. Long hair and loose clothing that can get caught on glassware or otherwise be a hazard in lab should be pulled back.
  5. Appropriate attire must be worn in lab, including shoes which cover the entire foot, and clothing which covers the legs and torso. Clothing items such as halter and midriff tops, as well as shorts, skirts and capri pants, are inappropriate for laboratory work, as are sandals and flip-flops. Clothing worn should be capable of providing a barrier between your skin and the chemicals you are working with.  Coverage of the lower legs and feet are necessary in case of dropped glassware.
  6. Eating, drinking, and applying cosmetics are forbidden in the laboratory. These activities should take place only outside the laboratory doors.
  7. All accidents and breakage must be reported to a teacher. Any accident requires attention to clean up. Alert your neighbors immediately if there is a spill as to its nature and extent before you leave the area.
  8. When needed, gloves must be worn. Gloves should be of a material and thickness appropriate for the reagents being used. However, gloves provide only a temporary layer of protection against chemicals on your skin and may be permeable to some chemical reagents, without visible deterioration. If your gloves come in contact with a chemical reagent, remove them, wash your hands, and get a new pair immediately. Hands must be washed just before leaving the laboratory.
  9. All laboratory workers must know the location and proper use of all laboratory safety equipment, including eyewash, safety shower, fire extinguishers, and telephone. Your teacher will show you the location of and proper use of laboratory safety equipment. 
  10. All laboratory workers must know how to safely evacuate the laboratory in the event of an emergency. You should note all possible exits from your laboratory.  Emergency classroom evacuation requires that the class reassemble away from the building to call roll and check for complete evacuation. Check with your teacher to confirm where the class should reassemble.



The following items were not covered in the general safety rules detailed above but should be noted in connection with general laboratories.

  1. Items such as book bags, backpacks, purses, and coats should be put out of the way off the floor and lab bench. 
  2. Cell phones should be turned off before entering the laboratory.
  3. Read labels and dispose of any waste in an appropriate waste container. Ask questions if you are not sure what to do.
  4. Clean up in the laboratory is essential. Make sure you wash and put away all equipment before you leave the laboratory. 
  5. Inform your teacher at the beginning of the term if you have any special medical conditions that may need attention during the laboratory, such as known allergies or seizures.








It is important to recognize that the online classroom is in fact a classroom, and certain behaviors are expected when you communicate with both your peers and your instructors. These guidelines for online behavior and interaction are known as netiquette.



Remember that your password is the only thing protecting you from pranks or more serious harm.

  • Don't share your password with anyone .
  • Change your password if you think someone else might know it.
  • Always log out when you are finished using the system.



When communicating online, you should always:

  • Treat your instructor and classmates with respect in email or any other communication.
  • Always use use Mr. or Ms. to address your teacher
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Remember that all communication should have correct spelling and grammar (this includes discussion boards).
  • Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
  • Use standard fonts such as Ariel, Calibri or Times new Roman and use a size 10 or 12 pt. font
  • Avoid using the caps lock feature AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETTED AS YELLING.
  • Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons like :)
  • Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken seriously or sound offensive.
  • Be careful with personal information (both yours and other’s).
  • Do not send confidential information via e-mail.



When you send an email to your teacher, teaching assistant, or classmates, you should:

  • Use a descriptive subject line.
  • Be brief.
  • Avoid attachments unless you are sure your recipients can open them.
  • Sign your message with your name and return e-mail address.
  • Think before you send the e-mail to more than one person. Does everyone really need to see your message?
  • Be sure you REALLY want everyone to receive your response when you click, “reply all.”
  • Be sure that the message author intended for the information to be passed along before you click the “forward” button.



When posting on the Discussion Board in your online class, you should:

  • Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.
  • Take your posts seriously and review and edit your posts before sending.
  • Be as brief as possible while still making a thorough comment.
  • Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source.
  • Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.
  • Don’t repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it.
  • Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” You should include why you agree or add to the previous point.
  • Always be respectful of others’ opinions even when they differ from your own.
  • When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way.
  • Do not make personal or insulting remarks.
  • Be open-minded.