Girls Basketball
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Summer Workouts
Summer practices are underway. All students who want to join the basketball team are encouraged to attend Summer workouts. Mondays and Tuesdays 8-10AM. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 1:30PM-3:30PM.

Head Coach: Erika Guijarro
Assistant Coach: Amanda Guijarro, Christine Hernandez and Carlos Gosalvez
Junior Varsity Coach: Cesar Ortiz
Freshmen/Sophomore Coach: Christine Hernandez
CIF Season: Winter (Late October- March)
Tryouts: On Going. All are welcome to join our out of season practices.
Class Period: Girls Basketball is a Period 4 class all year long
KYDS Practices: KYDS runs the girls basketball after school program August through late October and March through June Monday- Friday from 3:45-5:45PM and during the Summer (times and dates TBD)
Paperwork: All athletes must complete the athletic clearance forms on Home Campus, submit a photo copy of their medical insurance, and have a sports physical. All forms can be found on the Athletic Forms tab.
Interested in being a part of the Basketball Program? Interested in playing? We have 3 levels (Freshmen/Sophomore Team, Junior Varsity Team and Varsity Team) Interested in being a manager for the team? Contact Coach Guijarro for more information at [email protected]
See Coach Guijarro in the Girls PE office if you would like to be a part of the team. No experience necessary. We have a period 4 basketball class and practice Monday- Friday through KYDS from 3:45-5:45PM.
Summer Practice Schedule
All Arleta students are welcome to attend our summer workouts. New to Arleta? Contact Coach Guijarro for more information.
Arleta High School competes in the CIF Los Angeles City Section East Valley League. Our League opponents include Chavez High School, Grant High School, Monroe High School, North Hollywood High School, Polytechnic High School, and Verdugo Hills High School. For information on our games and upcoming events, please follow us on
Follow us on for our latest game schedule, on Twitter @ahsmustangbball and on Instagram AHSMUSTANGBBALL
2023- 2024 CIF- LA Division 1 Runner Up
2018-2019 Undefeated East Valley League Champions!!! 10-0
2018-2019 CIF- Los Angeles City Section Division 1 Semifinalists
2016-2017 East Valley League Champions 11-1