Testing Center (Hub) » CAASPP Summative Assessment

CAASPP Summative Assessment

  • Technology Requirements (Students MUST use school issued Chromebook to take CAASPP tests)
  • Before the testing day: If Students can’t access “secure test browser”, or can’t update their Chrome Browser to a newer version (113+), please ask them to get help from IT department at their earliest convenience.
  • On the testing day: If you student has no access to secure browser or forgets his/her Chromebook, please send your student to the hallway to get a Chromebook for testing.
Before Testing:
  1. CAASPP Summative Testing Training by Dr. Wu
  2. 2023-24 CAASPP Summative TA and TE requirements my PLN Training
  3. How to create a test session ID (For in person testing, test session ID MUST be created on the testing day).
  4. Bell Schedule of a Testing Day: CAST, ELA, Math
  5. Testing Room Assignments: CAST, ELA , Math
  6. Supervision Schedule of a Testing Day: CAST, ELA/Math
During Testing:
1. Teachers:
    Testing Direction on a Testing Day:
      • Pick up a hard copy of student SSID labels from B120 before testing
      • Follow Quick Guide: How to administer CAST,  ELA and Math
      • *Full Script for CAASPP Summative Testing Instruction: CAST, ELA and MATH
2. Students:
    Testing Direction on a Testing Day: How to take CAASPP tests (for students)
3. At a glance for teachers (refer to Quick Guides above for more details):
    1. Go to  CAASPP Homepage
    2. Select "Test Administrator Interface for All Online Tests"
    3. Login in with Your TOMS account
    4. Click "Start a New Session Now"
    5. Select the right test (Make sure to select "in person")
    6. "Start the Operational Session"
    7. Provide the test session ID to your students
    8. Approve your students after they login in with their SSID
    9. Monitor the testing progress from your computer
After Testing:
  1. The students who are absent or don't have enough time to complete the tests will be summoned by the test coordinator to finish the tests at a later time.
  2. CAASPP Test Results