Renaissance STAR Tests
Renaissance STAR Tests 2022-23
- Why we need to take Renaissance STAR Assessment (English and Math)(Lesson for your advisory)
- Tests Overview and Procedure (quick guide)
- Download a copy of Teacher's checklist (recommended)
- Bell Schedule: BOY, MOY and EOY
- Testing Location: BOY, MOY and EOY
- Testing Supervision: BOY, MOY and EOY
- Get familiar with Test App ("Renaissance Learning" App can be accessed from the waffle icon at the top OR it can be installed to the selected course)
- How to remove the Monitor Password (FYI: I removed password requirements for all advisory classes. If you students select "advisory", they won't be prompted to enter password.)
- How to change the testing preference to "Unlimited Time" (By default, STAT tests are sets up as time limited tests. I went to your advisory classes and set the tests as "unlimited time")
- How to activate accommodations
- Project this instruction for your students.
- Quick access:
Clever (Backup access when Schoology fails) (select "login with active directory")
In the past, the testing results were instantly available. However, EOY in 2022-23, it seems like that the test score is instantly reflected on the record book.
- *For your reference: Student's Testing Dashboard
If your students experience difficulties to access the test, please show them what a student dashboard looks like)
- Check completion rate via record book
- Let Students who are absent on the testing days to complete the tests as asynchronous assignments. After students start the test, they will have seven days to complete them.
- Generate the completion/ incompletion report and send the report to Dr. Wu
- If your want to print out all past Renaissance tests scores for your students or have a class view of BOY, MOY and EOY, here is the procedure.
Renaissance Star Testing Schedule
Star Tests will be administered during content class periods, three times a year. The testing windows are listed below:
- BOY (beginning of year): August 22 - October 7, 2022
- MOY (middle of year): December 5, 2022 - February 10, 2023
- EOY (end of year): April 18 - June 14, 2023
How to Take a Sample Star Assessment
Star Sample Items
2. How to Administer Star Tests
Checklist for Teachers
How to Log in (Student)
3. How to Generate a Star Report
How to Generate Star Reports
Relating Star Test Scores to CAASPP Levels
Score Definition