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 Course Overview

Chemistry in the Earth System  (CHEMISTRY A/B)

Three Dimensional Model

Teacher:  Mrs. Guiwa ([email protected])

Website:  (In Progress)


Course Description:  Welcome to Chemistry in the Earth System NGSS 3D Model! The focus of the subject is integration of Chemistry in the Earth System. The purpose of this subject is to engage students in the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and   Crosscutting Concepts, otherwise known as the NGSS three dimension of learning (3D Learning). In addition Chemistry in the Earth System (Chemistry A/B) meets the grades 9-12 district physical science graduation requirements (Students must complete 10 units for physical science requirement).  This course meets one year of the University of California‘d’ entrance requirement for laboratory science. 


The following are the (DCI) topics that we will attempt to cover during the course.


  • Segment 1: Atoms, Elements, Molecules
  • Segment 2 : Chemical Reactions
  • Segment 3:  Combustion
  • Segment 4: Heat and Energy in the Earth’s System
  • Segment 5: Chemistry of Climate Change
  • Segment 6: The Dynamics of Chemical Reaction and Ocean Acidification


Instruction:  The instruction will focus on Science Engineering Practices and Cross Cutting Concepts.

Science Engineering Practice

  • SEP1 Asking Questions and Defining Problems
  • SEP 2: Developing and Using Models
  • SEP 3: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
  • SEP 4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  • SEP 5: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking 
  • SEP6: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
  • SEP7: Engaging in Argument from Evidence
  • SEP 8: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information 

Cross Cutting Concepts

  1. Patterns
  2. Cause and Effect (Mechanism and Explanation)
  3. Scale, Proportion and Quantity
  4.  Stability and Change
  5. Systems and System Models
  6. Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation
  7.  Structure and Function

You have to keep in mind that in order to get the most out of a learner-oriented classroom you must:


  • Be an active learner – don’t expect to sit back and get information fed to you.
  • Ask questions and participate in discussions when appropriate.
  • Come prepared for class by doing the readings and assignments.
  • Pull you weight in group work – don’t expect others to do it all.
  • Respect the opinions of your classmates – part of learning is listening well and understanding human differences

Grading Guideline:  Grades will consist of three parts: an academic grade, a work habits grade, and a cooperation grade.  Your work habits and cooperation grade will be shown as E, S or U.

Cooperation grade: E-no trash pick-up/no referrals/respectful to adults and peers

                              S-minimal trash pick duty (at most 3), or 1 lunch detention or 1 referral

                              U-numerous trash pick-up duty, lunch detention and referrals                        

Academic grade

Your academic grade will be based on the points earned upon satisfactory completion and accuracy of assignments, laboratory work/reports, class activities, homework, projects, participation, journal work, quizzes and tests.





Participation/Academic conversation :10%

Quizzes: 15%

Chapter Test : 10%

Periodic Assessment/ Final Test: 5%

Total: 100%


The grade breakdown by percentage is as follows:


Grading Scale






Class Procedures:



Completed Homework = full credit

                               Incomplete homework = half credit

No homework = no credit (0)


Homework will be assigned to correspond with classroom instruction.  It is expected that students do careful, thoughtful work and submit it on time.  Homework will always be due at the beginning of the period.  Homework will either be signed and/or placed in the “in-tray” at the beginning of class.  If you are late to class you will not receive a stamp for the homework due on that day. 


If you have late homework due to an absence you must place it in the “absent tray” by my desk.  You will only get full credit for your homework unless you clear your absence with the SLC office.  You have one day, after you return, to clear your absence and receive a stamp and/or turn in any homework.  For every one excused absence you will be granted one day to make-up any missed assignments and/or homework.  It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missing notes, assignments and/or homework from the “We missed you. . .” tray.  You may ask the teacher or a classmate for clarification of assignments missed.


Late Work

All work must be turned in to receive credit.  Projects/Assignments/Homework are accepted late but the grade drops one letter grade every day it is late.  After three days late the highest grade you may receive is a D. If the work is turned in beyond 1 week, it is considered as a fail. 


Make-up Exams

Make-up exams must be taken within one school day of return and only if you have an excused absence.  Students with an un-cleared absence or truancy will not be allowed to make up a test.  Make-up exams will not be allowed once the test has been graded and returned to the students.  It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a makeup exam date with the teacher and show up.