How to Implement Edpuzzle in Schoology?
- Login into your Schoology account
- Go to “Courses” and choose the course you’d like to assign an edpuzzle for.
- Click on “Materials.”
- In the “Add Materials” drop-down menu, select “Edpuzzle.”
- This will open a pop-up window showing your “My Content” on Edpuzzle.
- Select your video lesson (click on the eye icon in the middle of your video).(tips: if you organize your video in "edpuzzle site", you will have an easy time to select videos)
- Click the blue “Assign” button, which will return you to the “Materials” page.
- Now click on the gear icon to the right of the assignment you've just created and select "Edit."
- Check the “Enable Grading” box in the pop-up window, select a category for your grades (i.e. homework) and click the blue “Save Changes” button. You can optionally set a due date at this point. (Note: Do NOT have to enter the consumer key and shared secret!)
- Now your video lesson is ready for your students on Schoology! Your students will start to appear as they click on the assignment link.
- FYI: please use your LAUSD google account to login into Edpuzzle site and it will be free.
- Feel free to contact Dr. Wu ([email protected]) if you need assistance.